+254722205051 PCEA Jitegemea House, Muhoho Avenue South C

Theological Education By Extension (TEE)

Rev. John Gatu

Rev.John Gatu

Director TEE Dept.

Theological Education by Extension (TEE) is grounded in the principle of “self-paced learning,” enabling students to engage with their studies in a flexible and personalized manner, all within the comforts of their chosen learning environment.

This approach is purposefully designed to empower both church leaders and the broader congregation with the essential knowledge and skills required for a profound understanding of the Bible, proficient leadership within their congregations, and effective ministry work.

In essence, TEE contributes to the development of a resilient and unwavering church community whose members are not easily swayed by fluctuating teachings or misled by the cunning and deceitful schemes of individuals, as cautioned in Ephesians 4:14.

Role of TEE Department at PCEA Church

The TEE department within the PCEA church has been entrusted with the important task of developing and disseminating theologically sound study materials that cater to the universal Church.

Goals of TEE Department 

  1. To cultivate Christian growth and maturity in the church.
  2. To build the capacity of the church and its members to carry mission and ministry (Eph 4:7-13).
  • To provide for the Christian education and training for all members especially those who are responsible for lay leadership in the Church (2 Timothy 2:2)

Objectives of TEE Studies

  1. To improve the biblical and theological knowledge of the Church membership through the study of TEE course materials and the required tests
  2. To encourage the effective use of knowledge gained and the discovery of spiritual gifts through setting practical tasks for students to carry out.
  • To work for the spiritual formation of students through mutual study in groups

Pillars of TEE Studies

  1. TEE Studies are theological, leading to knowing God’s will for his people. The Bible is the main reference book.
  1. They are Educational, aiming at improving knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
  2. They are through Extension format. Learning happens through discussion groups at the convenience of the learner.



To Empower, Equip, Build & Transform God’s people for effective service through Preaching, Teaching & Witnessing in words & deeds.

To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.

To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.

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