JPRC (Justice, Peace, Reconciliation and Creation)
The foundation of JPRC is drawn from the Bible and PCEA Practice and Procedure Manual Act 26. God calls the church to promote Justice, Peace, Reconciliation, Human dignity and Environmental Stewardship. As such, the PCEA Church believes that God who is the Creator and owner of all things has appointed people to be stewards of creation and to get from it the resources needed to meet their daily needs. The establishment, existence and purpose of JPRC is guided by key scriptures which speak to promotion and advocacy for justice, peace, reconciliation and recognition that God created all things and made man a Co-worker. JPRC was set up to handle issues that call for the church’s engagement with the State and Non State Actors on matters that require the Church’s participation and critical input both for the welfare of its members and the nation’s citizenry. The purpose of the department is therefore to enlighten members on the state of the nation and to challenge them to get involved through training and public participation as informed citizens with rights and responsibilities.
JPRC endeavors to realize the set objectives for, on behalf and/or representing the church. The summary of the objectives of JPRC are as provided in Act 26.12 of the church Practice and Procedure Manual as: –
- To take appropriate actions to address all social, economic and political issues that are likely to affect the community the ministry of the Church at any given time and in any sphere
- To Lead the church at all levels in undertaking functions including the establishment of partnerships and collaboration towards environmental protection and conservation
- To plan and arrange seminars and workshop to create awareness among Church leaders and members on the Government policies to enhance their participation in their implementation
- To promote and advocate for justice and harmonious coexistence within societies
- To act as the conscience of the society and to endeavor to promote and protect the observance of human rights
- To advocate for the creation and expansion of democratic space including the exercise and sustenance of democracy
- To advise the Church through the Business Committee on issues about which the Church should make a declaration or state its position
- To enter into partnership with other like-minded institutions for the aim of furtherance and/or execution of its purpose, objectives and budget.
The JPRC Department’s programmes are classified in four Thematic areas which are:-
Justice – programmes on systems, delivery and administration of Justice.
Peace – a vehicle to enable advocacy and peace messaging.
Reconciliation – programmes for training Paralegals and Mediators for interventions leading to the restoration of relationships through Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms. This Thematic Area also handles the Youth Agenda for Sustainable Change.
Creation – programmes for ensuring an atmosphere that respects human dignity as an agenda for the aged, adults, youth, adolescents and children. This thematic area also advocates for environmental stewardship.
- Youth Tuko - Preach The Gospel

To Empower, Equip, Build & Transform God’s people for effective service through Preaching, Teaching & Witnessing in words & deeds.
To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.
To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.
- Call : +254722205051
- +254734333040
- Email :
- PCEA Jitegemea House, Muhoho Avenue South C, Nairobi-Kenya P.O Box: 27573 - (00506)