+254722205051 PCEA Jitegemea House, Muhoho Avenue South C

The Presbyterian Foundation

The Presbyterian Foundation is a legal entity incorporated in 18th September 1973 under the then Companies Act Chapter 486 Laws of Kenya (now repealed). It’s a Company Limited by Guarantee and wholly owned by the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). It’s the legal body mandated to own properties in trusteeship of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa’ Congregations, Parishes, Presbyteries, Church groups and her affiliated institutions.

Its objectives are contained in its Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Church Practice & Procedure Manual.

The objects/mandate of the Presbyterian Foundations include: –

  1. Acquire, hold, purchase, sale, manage, lease, develop or dispose ALL properties (lands, buildings, investments, shares, stocks and other property whether immovable or movable) on behalf of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa.
  2. To apply to any governments or authorities, public bodies, corporations, companies or persons for and to accept grants of money and of land, donations, gifts, subscriptions and other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the Presbyterian Foundation.
  3.  To take any gift of property, whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more objects of the Presbyterian Foundation.
  4. To develop the resources and turn to account the lands, buildings and rights for the time being of the Presbyterian Foundation, and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up and improving buildings, and by letting on building lease or building agreements, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.

To facilitate the Mission and Ministry work in PCEA by effectively and prudently stabilizing, maximizing and expanding the income base.

To be the leading Christian investment institution supporting the Church Mission and Ministry work

In business for Christ


The shareholders of the Presbyterian Foundation comprise all the existing Presbyteries of the PCEA. During the Annual General Meeting, each Presbytery is represented by the Moderator (an ex-official) and one lay person.



To Empower, Equip, Build & Transform God’s people for effective service through Preaching, Teaching & Witnessing in words & deeds.

To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.

To be a Great and Dynamic Godly Model Church for holistic Service in Pursuance of the Great Commission.

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