• May 21, 2024
  • Pcea media
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“When One Of Us Is Affected, Then All Of Us Are Affected.” Details Of The Mission At Maii Mahiu

Presbyterian Church of East Africa led by the Moderator of General Assembly Rt. Rev.Thegu Mutahi held an outreach mission at Maii Mahiu on Monday, 20th May 2024. This event was made successful by PCEA Mission and BSR Board in partnership with Muguga presbytery as well as Kambui, Komothai, and Kasarani Central Parishes.

During this event, people joined in a prayer service that included sharing words of hope. Afterwards, Bibles, food and home items that included cooking gas, beds, mattresses, blankets and cooking pots were distributed.

The Moderator thanked all partners in attendance including Karen Hospital and Bible Society of Kenya. He also thanked the area’s Member of Parliament Hon. Jane Kihara for the warm welcome she has been giving the church. “We came here as PCEA to pass our condolences and prayers to the people of Maii Mahiu who were affected by floods. We believe when one of us is affected, then all of us are affected,” said the Moderator. He urged those willing to donate to liaise with teams at Maii Mahiu to identify areas of need seeing that there are those donations that are in plenty while others are lacking.

In her statement Hon. Jane Kihara said the people of Maii Mahiu have received a lot of love from Kenyans. She emphasized that food has been given in plenty and is now looking for ways to support more than 50 high school students who are in need of school uniform, shoes and books.

Other church leaders who accompanied the Moderator included the Deputy Secretary General Rev. John Mbae, Director Mission and BSR Rev. Samuel Muratha as well as Muguga Presbytery Moderator and Clerk Rev. Eutichus Mureithi and Rev. Newton Mbogo, respectively.